
First Day of Autumn

First Day of Autumn: Welcoming the Season of Harvest and Transition

On September 22nd or 23rd, depending on the year, the First Day of Autumn graces the Northern Hemisphere, symbolizing a harmonious balance between day and night as they share an almost equal duration. This day, more formally known as the Autumnal Equinox, represents a pivotal shift from the sun-drenched days of summer to the crisp, introspective ambiance of fall. Beyond its astronomical essence, the equinox holds a profound cultural and spiritual resonance across diverse societies globally. For centuries, it has been a moment of reflection, preparation, and celebration. Many cultures view it as a time to give thanks for summer’s bounty while bracing for winter’s chill. Harvest festivals, rituals, and ancient traditions often coincide with this period, paying homage to the cyclical nature of life and the ever-changing dance of the Earth and Sun. As leaves turn auburn and days grow shorter, the Autumnal Equinox serves as a poignant reminder of nature’s eternal rhythms and the delicate balance that governs our planet.

Quick Facts:

  • Word Origin: The word “equinox” comes from the Latin words “aequus” (equal) and “nox” (night).
  • Balance of Day and Night: Despite the popular notion, there isn’t a perfect balance of day and night on the equinox everywhere on Earth. This phenomenon, called “equilux,” happens a few days before the equinox.
  • Ancient Observatories: Many ancient cultures built structures or observatories to detect equinoxes. The Mayan El Castillo pyramid in Chichén Itzá, Mexico, for instance, was designed to cast a shadow in the shape of a serpent sliding down its steps during the equinoxes.
  • Temperature Shift: Following the autumn equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, temperatures begin to drop, and the days start to become shorter leading up to the winter solstice.

History of First Day of Autumn

Indeed, the term “equinox” beautifully encapsulates the balance of day and night with its Latin roots “aequus” denoting equality and “nox” signifying night. Throughout history, the equinoxes have not only marked astronomical phenomena but also held profound spiritual and cultural meanings. Civilizations, both ancient and contemporary, have venerated these days as moments of reflection, celebration, and reverence for nature’s rhythms. Monumental edifices like Stonehenge and the Pyramid of the Sun stand testament to this enduring allure. Stonehenge’s alignment with the solstitial sunrises and sunsets has long fascinated researchers, suggesting its use as an ancient astronomical observatory. Similarly, in Teotihuacan, throngs gather at the Pyramid of the Sun during equinoxes to witness a play of light and shadow, a spectacle that has been interpreted as the descent of the serpent deity, Kukulcan or Quetzalcoatl, symbolizing rebirth and renewal. These architectural marvels underscore the lengths to which our ancestors went to understand, honor, and integrate the celestial dance of the Earth and Sun into their cultural and spiritual tapestry. The equinoxes, thus, provide a bridge between the cosmos, human ingenuity, and our timeless quest for meaning and connection.

Significance of the First Day of Autumn

Cultural Celebrations:

Autumn’s commencement holds deep cultural significance across the globe. For example, regions in Asia commemorate the season with the Mid-Autumn Festival. Celebrated with lanterns and mooncakes, it marks the harvest season and the close connection with nature and lunar cycles.

Symbolism of Balance:

The equinox, an astronomical event where daylight and nighttime hours are approximately equal, stands as a powerful symbol of balance. This time serves as a poignant reminder of life’s equilibrium, urging people to find harmony in their personal and communal lives.

Harvest Time:

For agrarian societies and many cultures, the onset of autumn signals the season of harvest. It’s a period of gratitude, where communities gather to celebrate the yield and prepare for the impending winter, ensuring sustenance and warmth.

Natural Changes:

Autumn is a visual and sensory celebration of nature. Trees don hues of gold and red, animals commence their hibernation preparations, and the air adopts a distinct, refreshing chill. This transformation is a marvel to witness and experience.

Observing the First Day of Autumn

Nature Walks:

Embracing the beauty of the season can start with a simple walk. Observing the metamorphosis in the flora, feeling the crisp air, and perhaps collecting a few fallen leaves can be a therapeutic way to welcome autumn.

Harvest Festivals:

Participating in or organizing community harvest festivals can be fulfilling. It’s a celebration of nature’s bounty, characterized by joyous music, dance, and the sharing of seasonal food.


The equilibrium of the equinox offers a tranquil moment for introspection. Reflecting on one’s life, reassessing priorities, and striving for personal balance can be a spiritually enriching exercise during this time.

Culinary Delights:

Autumn brings a variety of produce. Cooking or baking with seasonal ingredients like pumpkins, apples, and squash can be a delightful way to celebrate.

Fun Facts:

  • Cultural Celebrations: Many cultures celebrate the autumn equinox. For instance, in Japan, it’s known as “Higan,” and in ancient Britain, it was celebrated as “Mabon.”
  • Harvest Season: Autumn is traditionally the time for harvesting crops, leading to various harvest festivals worldwide.
  • Changing Foliage: One of the most visually striking signs of autumn in many areas is the changing colors of leaves in deciduous trees.


What is the First Day of Autumn?

The First Day of Autumn, also known as the Autumnal Equinox, marks the start of the autumn season in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s the point when the sun appears directly above the equator, resulting in nearly equal day and night lengths.

When is the First Day of Autumn observed?

It typically falls on September 22nd or 23rd, varying slightly each year due to the specifics of the Earth’s orbit.

Why is it significant?

Beyond signaling a change in the season, it’s a time often associated with harvests, cooling temperatures, and the preparation for winter. Many cultures have traditions or festivals that coincide with the start of autumn.

What happens during an equinox?

During an equinox, the sun shines directly over the equator, leading to approximately 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness.

Is there an Autumnal Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere?

Yes, but it marks the beginning of spring, not autumn, in the Southern Hemisphere.

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