
Baghdad Liberation Day

Baghdad Liberation Day is a significant event observed in Iraqi Kurdistan, marking the day the capital city of Iraq, Baghdad, was liberated from the regime of Saddam Hussein. This day holds immense historical value and symbolizes the triumph of freedom over dictatorship. The event is commemorated with various activities and serves as a reminder of the struggles faced by the people of Iraq during the era of Saddam Hussein’s rule.

History and Timeline of Baghdad Liberation Day

The history and timeline of Baghdad Liberation Day can be traced back to the invasion of Iraq by the United States and its allies in 2003. The major events leading up to and following the liberation of Baghdad are as follows:

  • March 20, 2003: The United States and its allies launch the invasion of Iraq, initiating Operation Iraqi Freedom, with the aim of dismantling Saddam Hussein’s regime and eliminating weapons of mass destruction.
  • April 9, 2003: Baghdad falls to the US-led coalition forces, marking the end of Saddam Hussein’s rule and the beginning of the liberation of Iraq’s capital city.
  • May 1, 2003: US President George W. Bush declares the end of major combat operations in Iraq, although sporadic fighting and insurgency would continue for years.

Why Celebrate Baghdad Liberation Day?

Baghdad Liberation Day is celebrated to honor the sacrifices made by the people of Iraq and the coalition forces who fought against Saddam Hussein’s brutal regime. This day serves as a reminder of the struggles faced by the Iraqi people during the dictatorship and the importance of maintaining freedom and democracy in the country.

How to Celebrate Baghdad Liberation Day

Baghdad Liberation Day is primarily celebrated in Iraqi Kurdistan, with various events and activities organized to commemorate the occasion. Some ways in which this day is observed include:

  • Holding memorial services for those who lost their lives during the conflict.
  • Organizing cultural events, seminars, and workshops to promote awareness about the history and significance of the day.
  • Schools and educational institutions may hold special sessions to teach students about the events leading up to the liberation of Baghdad and its aftermath.
  • People may share stories and experiences of the era, fostering a sense of unity and resilience among the community.


Q: What is Baghdad Liberation Day? A: Baghdad Liberation Day is observed in Iraqi Kurdistan to mark the liberation of Iraq’s capital city, Baghdad, from the regime of Saddam Hussein.

Q: When is Baghdad Liberation Day? A: Baghdad Liberation Day is commemorated on April 9th, the day Baghdad fell to the US-led coalition forces in 2003.

Q: Why is Baghdad Liberation Day celebrated? A: Baghdad Liberation Day is celebrated to honor the sacrifices made by the people of Iraq and the coalition forces who fought against Saddam Hussein’s regime, and to remind the nation of the importance of maintaining freedom and democracy.

Q: How is Baghdad Liberation Day celebrated? A: Baghdad Liberation Day is celebrated with memorial services, cultural events, educational sessions, and sharing of stories and experiences related to the conflict and the era of Saddam Hussein’s rule.

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