Country Holidays

Brandy Alexander Day

January 31st is a special day for cocktail enthusiasts around the world. It’s the day we celebrate Brandy Alexander Day, a holiday dedicated to one of the most beloved classic cocktails of all time. This drink has been enjoyed by countless people over the years, and its popularity shows no sign of slowing down. Whether you’re a seasoned cocktail connoisseur or a newcomer to the world of mixology, Brandy Alexander Day is the perfect opportunity to raise a glass and celebrate the timeless elegance of this delicious drink.

The History of Brandy Alexander Day:

The Origins of Brandy Alexander:

The Brandy Alexander cocktail was first created in the early 20th century, and it quickly became a hit among high society. The drink’s popularity surged during the 1920s and 1930s, and it was often served as a dessert cocktail at swanky dinner parties and elegant social events.

The exact origin of the Brandy Alexander is shrouded in mystery, with multiple stories claiming to be the true inspiration behind the drink. Some say that it was created at the Hotel Rector in New York City, while others believe it was named after the Russian tsar Alexander II. Despite its uncertain origins, the Brandy Alexander has become an enduring classic that continues to captivate cocktail lovers around the world.

The Birth of Brandy Alexander Day:

Brandy Alexander Day is celebrated every year on January 31st. The holiday was established to honor the classic cocktail and encourage people to try making it at home. Whether you prefer to enjoy a Brandy Alexander at a fancy bar or in the comfort of your own home, Brandy Alexander Day is the perfect occasion to indulge in this delicious drink.

What is a Brandy Alexander?

The Classic Recipe:

A Brandy Alexander is a creamy and sweet cocktail that combines brandy, crème de cacao, and heavy cream. The drink is typically served in a chilled cocktail glass and garnished with a sprinkle of nutmeg. It’s the perfect drink for dessert or as a nightcap, and its rich and indulgent flavor has made it a favorite among cocktail enthusiasts around the world.

A Creamy and Sweet Cocktail:

The Brandy Alexander is a creamy and sweet cocktail that’s perfect for those who love a rich and indulgent drink. The heavy cream gives the cocktail a velvety smooth texture, while the crème de cacao adds a sweet and chocolatey flavor. The brandy provides a warm and complex flavor that balances out the sweetness of the other ingredients.

A Drink for All Seasons:

While the Brandy Alexander is often thought of as a winter drink, it’s actually perfect for any time of year. The creamy texture and sweet flavor make it a refreshing drink during the summer months, while the warm and comforting flavors make it a perfect winter drink. Whether you’re sipping on a Brandy Alexander on a hot summer night or enjoying it by the fire on a cold winter evening, this classic cocktail is sure to satisfy.

The Ingredients You’ll Need:

To make a classic Brandy Alexander, you’ll need the following ingredients:

  • 1 1/2 oz. brandy
  • 1 oz. crème de cacao
  • 1 oz. heavy cream
  • Nutmeg for garnish
  • Ice

How to Make a Brandy Alexander:

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Fill a cocktail shaker with ice.
  2. Add the brandy, crème de cacao,and heavy cream to the shaker.
  3. Shake the ingredients vigorously for about 10-15 seconds to ensure they’re well combined and chilled.
  4. Strain the mixture into a chilled cocktail glass.
  5. Garnish with a sprinkle of nutmeg.

Tips for Making the Perfect Cocktail:

  • Use high-quality ingredients for the best results.
  • Chill the cocktail glass in the freezer for a few minutes before making the drink.
  • Shake the ingredients vigorously to ensure they’re well combined and chilled.
  • Don’t overdo the nutmeg garnish, as a little goes a long way.

Garnishes and Presentation:

The classic Brandy Alexander is typically garnished with a sprinkle of nutmeg, which adds a subtle hint of spice to the cocktail. You can also add a swirl of whipped cream on top of the drink for an extra indulgent touch. To elevate the presentation of your Brandy Alexander, serve it in a chilled cocktail glass and add a decorative stirrer or a small sprig of fresh mint.

Variations on the Classic Recipe:

While the classic Brandy Alexander is delicious on its own, there are many variations you can try to mix things up. Here are a few ideas:

  • Brandy Alexander with a Twist: Add a splash of coffee liqueur or amaretto to the classic recipe for a new flavor profile.
  • Frozen Brandy Alexander: Blend the ingredients with ice to create a refreshing frozen drink.
  • Coffee Brandy Alexander: Replace the crème de cacao with coffee liqueur for a rich and flavorful twist.
  • Vegan Brandy Alexander: Use a plant-based cream alternative, such as coconut cream or almond milk, instead of heavy cream.

FAQs About Brandy Alexander Day:

What is the origin of the name Brandy Alexander?

The origin of the name Brandy Alexander is unclear, but some believe it was named after the Russian tsar Alexander II. Others speculate that it may have been named after a famous bartender or socialite.

Is Brandy Alexander Day an official holiday?

Brandy Alexander Day is not an official holiday, but it’s celebrated every year on January 31st by cocktail enthusiasts around the world.

What food pairings go well with Brandy Alexander?

Brandy Alexander is often served as a dessert cocktail and pairs well with chocolate-based desserts, such as chocolate cake or truffles. It also goes well with creamy desserts, such as crème brûlée or cheesecake.

Can you make a Brandy Alexander without heavy cream?

Yes, you can substitute heavy cream with a non-dairy milk alternative, such as coconut cream or almond milk, for a vegan version of the cocktail.

Can you make a non-alcoholic version of Brandy Alexander?

Yes, you can make a non-alcoholic version of Brandy Alexander by substituting the brandy with apple juice or a non-alcoholic brandy alternative. You can also omit the alcohol altogether and use a vanilla syrup or extract to add flavor to the cocktail.


Brandy Alexander Day is a celebration of one of the world’s most iconic cocktails. This classic drink has been enjoyed by generations of cocktail lovers, and it continues to hold a special place in the hearts of many. Whether you’re sipping on a Brandy Alexander at a swanky bar or making one at home, this cocktail is sure to transport you to a bygone era of glamour and sophistication. So raise a glass, celebrate Brandy Alexander Day, and indulge in the timeless elegance of this delicious drink. Cheers!

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