
World Day of Silence 9th April About, History,LGBT Community

9th April Day of Silence

The Day of Silence is celebrated every second Friday of April each year in order to spread awareness about the plight of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people (LGBTQ). The day aims to take a solemn stand against the bullying and harassment of these people because they are just as humans as heterosexual people. This is a special day to promote equality.

About the World Day of Silence

The Day of Silence is observed by various organizations, communities, and societies all over the world. Even students take part in the celebration of this day. People spread awareness about the situation of the LGBT community especially the bad things they experience due to sex and gender discrimination. People aim to stop the bullying of LGBT people. This is the day to promote humanity. The protests are non-violent means of stopping other people from harming LGBT members of the community.


The Day of Silence was founded by Maria Pulzetti when she was still a student in 1996. She wanted to do something that would make a positive impact and raise the visibility of the bisexual, gay, and lesbian awareness days. That time, she thought that conferences and panel discussions would only spread awareness only to the people who were willing to attend. In 1997, a year after the founding of the event, the nation celebrated the Day of Silence with hundreds of universities participating.

In the year 2000, the Day of Silence became an official project of the GLSEN after the efforts of Jessie Gilliam and Chloe Palenchar, who were Pulzetti’s classmates.


As mentioned earlier, the Day of Silence is celebrated every second Friday of April each year. This means that the upcoming celebration of the Day of Silence will be held on Friday, April 09, .

Why Celebrate

The following are the main reasons why you should participate in the celebration of the Day of Silence:

To Stop the Bullying of LGBT People

The LGBTQ community stands at a higher risk of bullying. They face ridicule and torment from peers who do not understand their orientation. This is one of the primary objectives that the LGBTQ community advocates for – for people to stop bullying them. They are just as humans as everybody else. Most of them are even more kind hearted than people with beliefs adhering to the majority but with attitudes as bad as the incarnation of evil. The bullying against the LGBTQ community must stop and you can help with that if you join the celebration of this day.

To Give Support to the LGBT Community

Another good reason to celebrate this day is that this is the best time for you to give your support to the LGBTQ community. Other people, especially the heterosexual ones, expressing their support for them is all they need to become strengthened, driven, and motivated. They do so because they feel that they have allies and that not everyone in the world is their enemy.

To Promote a Safe Space for All

You should also celebrate this day to promote a safe space for all the people in the world. Making people understand sexual orientation is important in this agenda. They should know that there is a spectrum on gender rather than being only two. By doing that, the grudge and torment against the LGBTQ can be eliminated. As a result, harm against them can be reduced and at best, eliminated. This promotes a safe space for every one of every gender.

Celebration Ideas and Activities

The following are the best things to do to make your celebration of the Day of Silence as best as it can be:

Keep the Conversation Going

One good way to celebrate this day is to keep the conversation about LGTBQ rights going. Yes, we have made progress in making people understand their plight and pushing for the rights of the community. However, there is still a long way to go. We should not stop. Instead, we should take steps forward in ensuring that the rights of all the LGBTQ in the world recognized and upheld.

Show Your Support to the LGBTQ Community

You can also celebrate this day by showing your support to the LGBTQ community. This is especially important if you have a family member or friends who is a member of the community. For sure, showing your support for them wholeheartedly will really mean a lot to them.

Celebrate on Social Media

You can also take your celebration of this day on social media. You can, for instance, use the hashtag #DayOfSilence to let your friends and followers know that you are also participating in the celebration of this special day.

World Day of Silence Messages

  • All students have equal rights to education. A transgender youth too. Marking the day if silence.
  • Sometimes you need to break the silence to tell your school how it needs to support transgender students!
  • It is our national responsibility to provide a great education to every child in America. Join us in celebrating the day of silence.
  • Want to break the silence for transgender student issues? Celebrate the day of silence.
  • Discussing the gender stereotypes and their limitations in your classroom with the lesson might be a great contribution to the day of silence.
  • I’m giving attention to the silencing effect of anti-LGBTQ bullying and harassment in schools.
  • The day of silence. Quiet mouth but active mind and heart.
  • They say ‘silence kills’. So I want to kill the bullying and harassment of LGBTQ students at schools with my silence.
  • It would gonna be a very quiet day for me. Because it’s the day of silence!
  • Don’t wait for the world to get better, break the silence. Support ‘GLSEN’ mission. Marking the day of silence!
  • Move-in silence. Speak up only when there is a sign of danger. Celebrating the day of silence.
  • Silence is one of the loudest arguments to disprove. The day of silence.
  • To make a difference for LGBTQ, not necessarily have to be on Microphone, a silent mouth can speak a thousand words aloud.
  • Students succeed when they see themselves considered in their curriculum. Include Black LGBTQ identities in your school with pride!
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