Jewish HolidaysReligious Holidays

Jewish Holidays

Illuminating the Days That Shape Our Lives.

The tapestry of Jewish holidays weaves together a rich narrative of history, spirituality, and cultural identity. Rooted in ancient traditions and customs, these special days punctuate the Jewish calendar, marking moments of reflection, celebration, and remembrance. They transport us from the joyous sounds of the shofar on Rosh Hashanah to the flickering menorah lights of Hanukkah, from the solemn introspection of Yom Kippur to the festive tents of Sukkot. Each holiday tells a story, not just of a people and their faith, but of humanity’s timeless quest for meaning, connection, and renewal. Dive into this journey as we explore the significance and traditions of Jewish holidays, understanding how they have shaped and continue to enrich the vibrant tapestry of Jewish life.

All the Jewish Holidays actually begin at the sundown before the evening on the dates mentioned below in the table. For instance, if the Jewish Holiday is Rosh Hashana, the data is Sep 30 to Oct 1 then the holiday starts at sundown of Sep 29 and ends at the nightfall of Oct 1.

Here comes the list of Jewish Holiday’s

Date Holiday Description
Jan 27 Tu Bishvat Celebrates nature, often referred to as the “New Year for Trees.”
Feb 26 Purim & Shushan Purim Commemorates the salvation of the Jews from Haman. A day of joy and reading the Book of Esther.
Mar 27-29 Passover (Start) Celebrates the liberation from Egyptian slavery with the Seder meal.
Apr 4 Passover (End) Concluding ceremonies of the Passover celebration.
Apr 7 Yom Hashoah Holocaust Remembrance Day for the six million Jews lost.
Apr 13 Yom HaZikaron Israel’s Memorial Day for fallen soldiers and terror victims.
Apr 14 Yom HaAtzma’ut Celebrating the establishment of the modern state of Israel in 1948.
Apr 29 Lag BaOmer Festive day marking the passing of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai with bonfires and parades.
May 9 Yom Yerushalayim Celebrating the reunification of Jerusalem during the 1967 Six-Day War.
May 16-18 Shavuot Commemorates the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai.
Jul 17 Tish’a B’Av A fasting day mourning the destruction of both the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem.
Sep 6-8 Rosh HaShana The Jewish New Year, marked by introspection and the sounding of the shofar.
Sep 9 Fast of Gedaliah A fast lamenting the assassination of Gedaliah, a governor of Judah.
Sep 15 Yom Kippur The holiest day, the Day of Atonement, marked by fasting and intensive prayer.
Sep 20-27 Sukkot Celebrates divine protection in the desert after the Exodus.
Sep 27 Shmini Atzeret A separate holiday directly following Sukkot.
Sep 28 Simchat Torah Celebrates the conclusion and new start of the annual Torah reading cycle.
Nov 28-Dec 6 Hanukkah The Festival of Lights, marking the miracle of the oil in the reclaimed Holy Temple.
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