
Love your Burial Ground Week

Love Your Burial Ground Week is celebrated annually in June, as a way to raise awareness about the importance of honoring and preserving burial grounds. This holiday is a time to recognize the historical and cultural significance of burial grounds, and to promote the preservation of these sacred spaces for future generations. In this article, we will explore the history and significance of Love Your Burial Ground Week, the importance of preserving burial grounds, and ways to honor and respect these important places.

Quick facts
When is it?
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Tagged as
What’s the hashtag? #LoveyourBurialGroundWeek
When was it founded? 2013
Who founded it? Caring for God’s Acre

History and Significance of Love Your Burial Ground Week

Love Your Burial Ground Week was first celebrated in the UK in 2016, by the Cemetery Friends groups and the Cemeteries and Crematoria Association. The purpose of this holiday is to promote awareness about the importance of preserving and respecting burial grounds, which are often neglected or forgotten. Love Your Burial Ground Week is an opportunity to honor the historical and cultural significance of these sacred spaces, and to raise awareness about the need for preservation and conservation efforts.

Importance of Preserving Burial Grounds

Burial grounds have significant historical and cultural value, as they often contain important information about the lives and traditions of past generations. Burial grounds also provide a place for people to connect with their loved ones who have passed away, and to pay their respects in a peaceful and reflective environment. However, many burial grounds are in a state of disrepair or have been lost due to neglect, development, or other factors. Preserving burial grounds is important for maintaining our cultural heritage and for providing a peaceful and respectful final resting place for our loved ones.

Ways to Honor and Respect Burial Grounds

There are many ways to honor and respect burial grounds, including:

1. Participate in Cleanup Efforts

Volunteer for cleanup efforts at local burial grounds, and help to maintain and preserve these important spaces.

2. Visit Burial Grounds

Visit burial grounds to pay your respects and to learn about the history and cultural significance of these important places.

3. Support Preservation Efforts

Support preservation efforts by donating to organizations that work to preserve burial grounds, or by advocating for the preservation of these spaces.

4. Educate Others

Educate others about the importance of preserving and respecting burial grounds, and raise awareness about the need for preservation efforts.


Love Your Burial Ground Week is a holiday that promotes awareness about the importance of preserving and respecting burial grounds. Burial grounds have significant historical and cultural value, and are an important place for people to connect with their loved ones who have passed away. By honoring and respecting burial grounds, we can preserve our cultural heritage and provide a peaceful and respectful final resting place for our loved ones.

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