The National Chocolate Wafer Day is a food event held every 3rd of July each year. This event commemorates chocolate wafers – one of the most popular snacks of all time. A chocolate wafer is a thin and crispy cookie filled and coated with chocolate. Aside from being a standalone snack, it is also used to make icebox cakes and chocolate crumb crusts. Chocolate lovers all over the world participate in the celebration of this day.
About the National Chocolate Wafer Day
During the National Chocolate Wafer Day, people conduct various activities that let them achieve the purposes of this celebration. For one, people buy as many tin cans of chocolate wafers as they can eat and share with their loved ones. Other people try to experiment and make their own chocolate wafers. Others even make various kinds of desserts that have chocolate wafers as one of the ingredients. People also shout out on social media how they are celebrating this event.
The most popular chocolate wafers are sold by the Nabisco biscuit company. They started selling chocolate wafers in tin cans in 1924. Over the years, Nabisco made great strides in advertising their chocolate wafers. It is even believed that the National Chocolate Wafer Day was created by them so as to boost their sales. But the exact start date of the event as well as where it was first held remain obscure.
As mentioned earlier, the National Chocolate Wafer Day is celebrated every 3rd of July each year. This means that the dates of celebration for this event are as follows:
- Friday, July 3,
- Thursday, July 3,
- Sunday, July 3, 2022
- Monday, July 3, 2023
- Wednesday, July 3, 2024
- Thursday, July 3, 2025
Why Celebrate
The main reason why you should celebrate this event is to commemorate how long chocolate wafers have been in our lives, through both happy and tough times. They have become our favorite snacks when we were kids and they continue to give us happiness as adults. It would be good to indulge yourself into these tasty treats once in a while. But the best time to do that is during the National Chocolate Wafer Day.
Celebration Ideas and Activities
The following are the best things to do to make your celebration of the National Chocolate Wafer Day as best as it can be:
Buy and Indulge in Chocolate Wafers
You can celebrate this day by buying yourself a few tin cans of chocolate wafers. You can then indulge yourself into eating as many as you want. You should also try to share some with your family and friends and celebrate this day with them.
Make Your Own Choco Wafers
It would also be a good idea to make your own home baked wafers as your way of celebrating this event. You can follow some easy guides online on how you can make one. Furthermore, you can make dishes that make use of chocolate wafers. Recipes include pie crust, ice cream, cake, and cookie sandwich.
Celebrate on Social Media
You can also take your celebration of this day on social media. You can, for instance, use the hashtag #NationalChocolateWaferDay to let your friends and followers know that you are also participating in the celebration of this special day
Fun Facts
- In general, wafers are crispy cookies that are chocolate coated.
- Other coatings usually added on wafers include vanilla and strawberry extract.
- The Nabisco company is responsible for commercially selling chocolate wafers back in 1924. They sold these along with ginger wafers and sugar wafers.
- Chocolate wafers are American favorites. Americans eat them not only alone but also with other dishes like ice cream and cake.
- The National Chocolate Wafer Day, a food holiday dedicated to chocolate wafers, is held every July 3rd.
- Chocolate Wafers are key ingredients in another all-time favorite snack – Oreos.
- One regular size of chocolate wafer contains about 4.34 grams of carbohydrates, 0.85 grams of fat, and 0.4 grams of protein.
- Chocolate wafers are often used as ingredients in pie crust, ice cream, cakes, chocolate bars, cheesecakes, and ice cream cones.