
National Creamsicle Day

TopicNational Creamsicle Day
DateAugust 14
Hashtags#NationalCreamsicleDay, #CreamsicleDay, #Creamsicles, #OrangeCreamsicle, #ICECREAM

National Creamsicle Day on August 14th celebrates the refreshing frozen treat consisting of a vanilla ice cream center coated with a layer of frozen orange juice. This delicious dessert on a stick provides the perfect cool, sweet relief from the hot summer heat.

History of Creamsicles

The origins of the creamsicle date back to the 1920s when ice cream maker Icy-O introduced the first frozen confection on a stick. Their creamsicle treat consisted of ice milk covered in orange ice. Over the years, the creamsicle evolved into the vanilla and orange ice cream popsicle that we know and love today.

Some key moments in creamsicle history include:

  • 1922 – Icy-O makes the first frozen confection on a stick using ice milk and orange ice.
  • 1925 – Popsicle is founded and also releases an orange and vanilla frozen pop.
  • 1928 – Creamsicle is trademarked by Popsicle as the official name for their orange and vanilla frozen treat.
  • 1967 – Fudgsicle releases the Fudgsicle Frutang, another orange and vanilla frozen pop.
  • 1976 – Unilever acquires Popsicle and Good Humor ice cream brands.
  • 2003 – Popsicle debuts the Double Popsicle with two sticks.

Today creamsicles are popular frozen treats usually made with vanilla ice cream surrounded by an outer layer of orange sherbet or juice. Major brands like Popsicle and Fudgsicle are owned by Unilever, but store brands and homemade creamsicles are also popular options.

How to Celebrate National Creamsicle Day?

There are so many delicious ways to celebrate National Creamsicle Day on August 14th! Here are some fun ideas:

  • Enjoy a Creamsicle – The simplest way to celebrate is to pick up a box of Creamsicles at the grocery store and enjoy one (or two!) on National Creamsicle Day. You can get classics like Popsicle and Fudgsicle brands or try unique store brand flavors.
  • Make Homemade Creamsicles – Make your own creamsicles at home using fresh ingredients like orange juice, vanilla ice cream, yogurt or milk. Blend and freeze into molds for a homemade frozen treat.
  • Host a Creamsicle Party – Invite friends over for a Creamsicle party! Make a variety of creamsicle inspired drinks, desserts and treats. Decorate with orange and white colors.
  • Try Creamsicle Flavored Foods – Many restaurants and bakeries offer creamsicle flavored milkshakes, cupcakes, donuts, and other foods for a limited time around National Creamsicle Day.
  • Share on Social Media – Post photos of your Creamsicle celebrations on social media using hashtags like #NationalCreamsicleDay, #CreamsicleDay and #Creamsicles. Spread the sweet holiday fun!

Quotes About Creamsicles

“A Creamsicle is summer childhood captured in frozen form.”


“Orange you glad it’s National Creamsicle Day!”


“The Creamsicle – two great flavors that taste great together.”


“National Creamsicle Day gives me an excuse to enjoy one of my favorite frozen treats!”


“Childhood nostalgia in every bite of a Creamsicle.”

Hashtags for National Creamsicle Day

Celebrate National Creamsicle Day on social media with these popular hashtags:

  • #NationalCreamsicleDay
  • #CreamsicleDay
  • #Creamsicles
  • #OrangeCreamsicle
  • #CreamsicleLove
  • #FrozenTreats
  • #Popsicles
  • #IceCreamDay

Frequently Asked Questions About National Creamsicle Day

When is National Creamsicle Day?

National Creamsicle Day is observed annually on August 14th.

Who invented the creamsicle?

The creamsicle was invented in the 1920s by Icy-O, an early ice cream manufacturer. It was originally made with ice milk and orange ice.

What is a creamsicle made of?

The classic creamsicle consists of a vanilla ice cream interior surrounded by an outer frozen layer of orange juice or sherbet.

How do you celebrate National Creamsicle Day?

Celebrate by enjoying creamsicles, hosting a creamsicle party, making homemade creamsicles, or sharing your enjoyment on social media!

Are creamsicles good for you?

Creamsicles are a fun, refreshing summer treat but they are high in sugar and should be enjoyed in moderation. The orange sherbet contains more nutrients than plain ice cream.

What brand makes the best creamsicles?

Popular creamsicle brands include Popsicle, Fudgsicle, and store brands. Individual tastes will vary on favorites! Many enjoy making their own at home too.

What is a good creamsicle cocktail recipe?

Try making creamsicle cocktails with vanilla vodka, orange juice and a splash of cream. Shake over ice and garnish with an orange slice.

Are there dairy free or vegan creamsicle options?

Yes, dairy-free creamsicles can be made using non-dairy milk and orange sorbet. Coconut milk is a popular dairy-free base.

What is the difference between a creamsicle and a dreamsicle?

A creamsicle is made with ice cream and sherbet, while a dreamsicle uses ice milk and sherbet. Dreamsicles are fat-free while creamsicles contain milkfat.

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