National Sense of Smell Day
The National Sense of Smell Day is celebrated every last Saturday of April each year. This day aims to inform people about the role of the sense of smell in our daily lives and how it is related to our other senses such as taste. With our sense of smell, we can cook delicious meals, pick the best perfumes, and enjoy the fresh air.
About the National Sense of Smell Day
During the National Sense of Smell Day, people celebrate by conducting various activities that let them enjoy their sense of smell. For one, people go buy new perfumes. Other people cook dishes using their sense of smell. People also shout out on social media about how they are celebrating this day.
The National Sense of Smell Day was founded by the Sense of Smell Institute which is an education and research division of the Fragrance Foundation. The first celebration was held in 1994.
As mentioned earlier, the National Sense of Smell Day is celebrated every last Saturday of April each year. This means that the dates of celebration for this event are as follows:
- Saturday, April 29, 2023
- Saturday, April 27, 2024
Why Celebrate
The main reason why you should celebrate this day is that you will be able to commemorate your sense of smell even just one day in the entire year. You use your sense of smell every day and has been so helpful for you. So why not celebrate just one day to thank it right?
Celebration Ideas and Activities
The following are the best things to do to make your celebration of the National Sense of Smell Day as best as it can be:
Cook Delicious Meals
You can celebrate this day by cooking delicious meals, one that you can do only with your sense of smell. Did you know that you can cook a good meal only if you use your sense of smell properly? If will be very difficult to cook something good without smelling it, unless you have really mastered the steps in making it.
Buy a New Perfume
Using your powerful sense of smell, you should try to buy yourself a new perfume or cologne. You can go to the nearest mall or perfume store to get yourself a new one.
Watch Movies About the Sense of Smell
One particular movie that makes great use of the sense of smell is entitled Perfume: Story of a Murderer. This thriller film is about a man who was gifted with an extraordinary sense of smell that he can identify just about any object in his range just by using his sense of smell.
Celebrate on Social Media
You can also take your celebration of this day on social media. You can, for instance, use the hashtag #NationalSenseOfSmellDay to let your friends and followers know that you are also participating in the celebration of this special day.