
National Short People Day

Height is an important aspect of a person’s physical appearance, but it should not define their worth or capabilities. Unfortunately, society often equates height with strength, power, and attractiveness, leading to a bias against short individuals. To challenge this mindset, National Throw Short People Day is celebrated every year on the 21st of April. This day aims to embrace all heights and recognize the value of short people in society. In this article, we will delve deeper into the significance of National Throw Short People Day and explore ways to celebrate this occasion.National Short People Day

The Origins and Significance of National Throw Short People Day:

National Throw Short People Day is a relatively new holiday that originated on social media. The exact origins of the holiday are unclear, but it gained popularity in 2016 when a Twitter user tweeted, “It’s national throw short people day apparently so throw me over your shoulder and don’t put me down.” While the tweet was meant to be lighthearted, it sparked a conversation about height discrimination and inspired people to embrace all heights.

The significance of National Throw Short People Day lies in its message of inclusion and diversity. This day aims to challenge height stereotypes and recognize the unique talents and abilities of short individuals. It also serves as a reminder that height should not be a barrier to success or happiness.

Debunking Height Stereotypes:

Short individuals often face biases and discrimination in society. Height stereotypes, such as the belief that tall people are more attractive, powerful, and successful, can affect a person’s self-esteem and opportunities. However, scientific research has debunked many of these stereotypes.

For example, a study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology found that height does not correlate with job performance or success. Another study published in the Personality and Social Psychology Review found that short individuals are not less competent or respected than tall individuals. In fact, many successful people, such as Napoleon Bonaparte, Martin Scorsese, and Lady Gaga, are short.

Celebrating National Throw Short People Day – Ideas and Activities:

National Throw Short People Day is a lighthearted occasion that encourages people to embrace all heights and celebrate diversity. Here are some ideas and activities to participate in the festivities:

  • Throwing Short Jokes Instead of People: National Throw Short People Day is not about throwing people, but rather about throwing short jokes. Share some funny memes or jokes that celebrate short individuals and their unique qualities.
  • Hosting a Short Film Festival: Organize a short film festival that showcases short films or documentaries about height discrimination and the experiences of short individuals. This can be a fun and educational way to raise awareness about the issue.
  • Supporting Short-Owned Businesses: Show your support for short individuals by patronizing businesses owned by short people. This can include restaurants, cafes, boutiques, and more. Share your experiences on social media to encourage others to do the same.
  • Donating to Short People Charities: There are many charities that support short individuals and their families, such as the Little People of America and the Dwarf Athletic Association of America. Consider donating to these organizations or volunteering your time to support their causes.

FAQs about National Throw Short People Day:

  1. Is National Throw Short People Day a Real Holiday?

Yes, National Throw Short People Day is a real holiday that is celebrated annually on April 21st. While it is not an official national holiday, it is a lighthearted occasion that aims to challenge height stereotypes and promote diversity.

  1. Can Tall People Participate in the Celebrations?

Yes, tall people can participate in the celebrations. National Throw Short People Day is not about excluding anyone but rather celebrating all heights and promoting inclusivity.

  1. What is the Objective of National Throw Short People Day?

The objective of National Throw Short People Day is to challenge height stereotypes and recognize the value of short individuals in society. It aims to promote diversity, inclusivity, and acceptance of all heights.


National Throw Short People Day is a fun and lighthearted holiday that promotes inclusivity and challenges height stereotypes. This day serves as a reminder that height should not define a person’s worth or capabilities. By celebrating all heights, we can create a more diverse and accepting society that values individuals for their talents and character. So, let’s embrace all heights and celebrate National Throw Short People Day on April 21st!

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