The Single Working Women’s Day is celebrated every 4th of August each year. This day is held to recognize the important role of all single working women in our societies and communities all over the world.
Single Working Women Day
The Single Working Women’s Day is a day dedicated to all single women who are in the workforce. They defy the stigma of society by working and not by immediately finding a husband, having children, and staying at home to do all the household chores. Yes, household chores are extremely important. Our lives would not have become better if it weren’t for our hardworking mothers. But women should not be constrained in such job. They should be free to choose what they want to do in their lives. And so we celebrate all single working women during this special day dedicated for them.
History of Single Working Women’s Day
The history of this holiday can be traced back to a powerful woman named Barbara Payne who was able to recognize the importance of single working women in our society and thought of a way to put them in the spotlight for recognition.
The Origin of the Single Working Women’s Day
It was in 2006 when Barbara Payne founded the Single Working Women’s Day. During that time, Payne and her friends thought that there were already holidays for mothers, fathers, lovers, married couples, and more but none for single working women. Hence, they created an organization called the Single Working Women’s Affiliate Network which created the holiday that pays homage to all single working women. They have a lot of social and economic contributions in our world. They deserve their own day of celebration or even the entire week of recognizing them which is called the Single Working Women’s Week.
Evolution of Societal Perceptions About Single Women
An age-old stigma associated with single women is that they need to be married and must stay at home to take care of the kids, cook food, and do the various household chores at home. But now, the societal perception about this is continuously evolving. More and more single women are joining in the workforce to have gainful employment. There is no rush for them to have a family right away. They can have their own career and climb up the ranks to being one of the best among the rest.
Some More Challenges Ahead
Yes, we are happy to note that such evolution is already on its way. But we haven’t reached full potential yet. There are still stereotyping and discrimination problems being faced by single women. Society is indeed evolving but it needs to evolve at a faster pace. The Single Working Women’s Day can be an awareness campaign for this.
When is Single Working Women’s Day?
This holiday is always celebrated on the fourth of August each year. This means that the upcoming Single Working Women’s Day will be celebrated on Wednesday, August 4, . And the year after that, the holiday will be celebrated on August 4, 2022.
Single Working Women’s Day Celebrations & Activities
We cannot understate the importance of single women to our economic development and social growth. Millions of single women are now working in various industries all over the world. They work for themselves or for their immediate family and they want to become successful as much as men does, or more than so. These things are what we want to emphasize during our celebration of the Single Working Women’s Day. Hence, the celebration of this day is very important.
How to Celebrate Single Working Women’s Day?
The following are the activities that are the best to be conducted for the celebration of this special holiday:
Honor All Single Working Women Your Personally Know
Perhaps the best thing to do during this holiday is to honor all the single working women that you know in your life. If you have a single working sister, cousin, aunt, or friend, then you should praise them for being so strong and not giving into the pressure of society. Congratulate them for having a career for themselves. Maybe you could also add some gifts or presents like flowers, chocolates, or cards with inspirational quotes and messages.
Volunteer Your Time and Effort in Organizations Advocating for Single Working Women
There are still some parts of the world where being a single woman is considered to be shameful. Fortunately though there are organizations dedicated to helping our these single working women and stand by them. You can perhaps volunteer your time and effort into helping out these organizations so that their advocacies can be achieved more easily.
Facts About Single Working Women’s Day
The following are some good and interesting facts for the Single Working Women’s Day that are worth sharing:
- Most professional organizations in America rely on Single Working Women.
- According to a Department of Labor report in March 2015, about 32% of families with children are one-parent families comprised mostly of single mother parents.
- More women earn college degrees than men.
- About 36.3% of all private businesses in the US are owned by women.
- According to the 2015 Labor Force Databook, 59% of all women aged 16 and above are employed.
- About 54.3% of all employed women are unmarried.
- Of the 67 million employed women in the USA alone, about 74% work full time jobs while the remaining 26% work on a part time basis.
Single Working Women Day Quotes
- “A busy, vibrant, goal-oriented woman is so much more attractive than a woman who waits around for a man to validate her existence.” ― Mandy Hale
- ‘I don’t need to be in a relationship to be told how beautiful, pretty and sexy I am. I already know that.’- Mandy Hale
- ‘If you’re not happy single, you won’t be happy taken. Happiness comes from within, not from men.’— Unknown
- ‘She is a strong cup of black coffee in a world that is drunk on the cheap wine of shallow love.’— J.M.Storm
- ‘I’m still learning to love the parts of myself that no one claps for’ — Rudy Francisco
- ‘It is better to be single and wait for what you deserve than lower your standards and settle for less than God’s best for you.’— Brittney Moses
- ‘Some women choose to follow men and some women choose to follow their dreams. If you’re wondering which way to go, remember that your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn’t love you anymore.’ – Lady Gaga
- ‘Our first job in life as women is to get to know ourselves. I think a lot of times we don’t do that. We spend our time pleasing, satisfying, looking out into the world to define who we are; listening to the messages, the images, the limited definitions that people have of who we are.’— Michelle Obama