
Surveillance Day

Date August 16
Founder DJ Pangburn
Year Founded 2012
Purpose Raise awareness of surveillance technology and its impacts on privacy and civil liberties

Surveillance Day, observed annually on August 16, promotes awareness and sparks discussion around the increasing prevalence of surveillance technology in daily life. Since its grassroots inception in 2012 by DJ Pangburn, the unofficial holiday has provided a creative outlet for people to assert their presence in the face of pervasive surveillance.

History of Surveillance Day

Surveillance Day was founded in 2012 by DJ Pangburn as a lighthearted way to protest expanding surveillance programs. Rather than organizing a traditional protest, Pangburn conceived of Surveillance Day as an opportunity to acknowledge the reality of constant monitoring with some humor and creativity.

The first Surveillance Day occurred on August 16, 2012 in San Francisco. Pangburn encouraged people to wave at surveillance cameras they encountered throughout the day. This quirky act of waving was a way for citizens to signal their awareness of the cameras while also reminding the watchers that their actions were being observed in return.

Since 2012, awareness and observance of Surveillance Day has spread through grassroots promotion on social media. Each year on August 16, people across the world now engage in creative protests against invasive surveillance. Surveillance Day allows citizens to assert their right to privacy in the digital age.

How to Celebrate Surveillance Day?

There are many creative ways to observe Surveillance Day and raise awareness about privacy issues surrounding surveillance technology:

Waving at Surveillance Cameras

The signature act of Surveillance Day is waving at surveillance cameras in public areas. This lighthearted gesture signifies that you see the camera and are aware you are being watched. Friendly waving can spark conversations around surveillance overreach.

Covering Camera Lenses

Some choose to cover up the lenses of surveillance cameras on Surveillance Day using tape or stickers. This demonstrates that citizens have the right to opt out of surveillance when in public spaces.

Writing Letters to Representatives

Surveillance Day presents a timely opportunity to write to government representatives about privacy and civil liberties concerns related to surveillance policy.

Social Media Activism

Posting on social media is an easy way to educate others about Surveillance Day. Sharing articles, infographics, and using trending hashtags spreads awareness of surveillance issues.

Street Art & Graffiti

Public art displaying anti-surveillance messages is a creative way to utilize urban space on Surveillance Day. Street art can spark commentary and convey information to the broader public.

Hosting Seminars & Events

Community seminars, film screenings, and events can provide forums for discussions around surveillance and privacy in the digital age.

Timeline of Surveillance Day

  • August 16, 2012 – First Surveillance Day organized by DJ Pangburn in San Francisco
  • August 2013 – Second annual Surveillance Day observed. Small events held in cities like L.A. and Seattle.
  • June 2013 – Edward Snowden NSA leak increases public awareness of government surveillance.
  • August 2014 – Surveillance Day participation grows following NSA scandal.
  • 2015-2022 – Steady growth of Surveillance Day each August 16th.
  • August 2023 – Surveillance Day promotes critical thought on surveillance 11 years after its founding.

Quotes About Surveillance Day

“On Surveillance Day, we should all be thinking about who is watching us and why.” – Glen Greenwald, journalist

“Waving at surveillance cameras is a friendly reminder that we don’t consent to being constantly monitored in public.” – Cindy Cohn, Electronic Frontier Foundation

“Surveillance Day creatively engages people in thinking about the intersection of technology and human rights.” – Evan Greer, Fight for the Future

Hashtags for Surveillance Day

Here are some popular hashtags used to share and discuss Surveillance Day on social media:

  • #SurveillanceDay
  • #DayWeLookBack
  • #RightToPrivacy
  • #MassSurveillance
  • #NSA #Snowden
  • #1984Day
  • #BigBrotherIsWatching
  • #WaveBack

The Pros and Cons of Surveillance Technology

Surveillance Day provides the ideal opportunity to reflect on the complex impacts of surveillance technology in the modern world. There are both advantages and ethical concerns that should be weighed when considering expanding surveillance programs.

Potential Benefits of Surveillance Technology

  • Deterring crime and aiding law enforcement investigations
  • Enhancing public safety by monitoring threats
  • Gathering useful data on traffic and usage patterns
  • Streamlining infrastructure and transit through collected data

Potential Dangers of Surveillance Technology

  • Infringing on civil liberties and right to privacy
  • Enabling tracking of movements, behaviors, associations
  • Disproportionate targeting of minority groups and activists
  • Chilling free speech and freedom of expression
  • Normalizing lack of privacy in public and private spheres

Finding the Right Balance

Most experts agree that some limited, lawful surveillance can be beneficial for society. However, invasive surveillance should be subject to democratic oversight and strict regulations. Surveillance Day advocates striking the right balance between security, privacy, and liberty.

Frequently Asked Questions About Surveillance Day

What is the purpose of Surveillance Day?

Surveillance Day aims to raise public awareness of the growing role of surveillance technology in daily life. It promotes critical thought on surveillance and sparks debate on privacy issues.

When did Surveillance Day start?

Surveillance Day was created in 2012 by DJ Pangburn and was first observed on August 16 of that year. It has been observed annually on August 16 ever since.

How did Surveillance Day begin?

DJ Pangburn conceived of Surveillance Day as a creative, lighthearted form of protest against expanding surveillance. The first Surveillance Day involved waving at cameras in public spaces.

How do people celebrate Surveillance Day?

People celebrate by waving at cameras, covering lenses, posting on social media, making art, hosting events, and writing to representatives about privacy concerns.

What are the main privacy concerns with surveillance technology?

Top concerns include invasion of privacy, tracking behaviors, chilling free speech, disproportionately targeting minority groups, and normalizing lack of privacy.

How has government surveillance increased in recent years?

Programs by the NSA, FBI, and others have increased mass collection of communication data, biometric information, and online activity monitoring.

What can I do on Surveillance Day?

You can wave, cover cameras, share posts using hashtags like #SurveillanceDay, attend an event, or write your government representatives to take action.

Why does Surveillance Day matter?

It raises awareness so citizens can make informed choices about technology use and advocate for policies that protect democratic freedoms.

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