The Arbor Day is celebrated every last Friday of April each year. This special day encourages everyone to plant trees. Trees are vital to our planet. They have a lot of essential functions and without them, our world will not survive. For instance, they provide the precious oxygen we all need to breathe, the protection from erosion of our planet’s topsoil, provide us with food for the fruits and vegetables they bear, serve as homes for the wildlife, and many more. Unfortunately, we all now face the crisis of severe deforestation. Many of our trees have already been cut down. But it is not too late for us to still save our planet. There is so much more that we can do to save these precious trees of ours.
About the Arbor Day
During the Arbor Day, people conduct various activities that let them achieve the purposes of this celebration. For one, people join large-scale tree planting activities in order to grow more trees for specific areas that need more trees, and in general, for our planet. People also join other activities like gardening, communal planting of bushes and other plants, and more. People also shout out on social media how they are celebrating this day.
The Arbor Day was founded in the state of Nebraska by J. Sterling Morton, a journalist and newspaper editor, on April 10, 1872. He proposed the day of April 10 to be a day where people should plant as many trees as they can to help in Earth’s healing. During the first celebration of Arbor Day in Nebraska, as many as one million trees were planted. In 1885, Arbor Day became a legal holiday and it was moved to April 22, which was Morton’s birthday. In 1989, the date of the holiday was moved again to the last Friday of April, which has been the date of celebration even now.
As mentioned earlier, Arbor Day is celebrated every last Friday of April each year.
Why Celebrate
The main reason why you should celebrate this day is that this is the best time for you to contribute to Earth’s healing. As mentioned earlier, our planet has already lost a lot of trees and this could be dangerous to all of us, especially to the future generation. This could be reversed if we plant more trees and you can be a part of that initiative.
Celebration Ideas and Activities
The following are the best things to do to make your celebration of the Arbor Day as best as it can be:
Join Tree Planting Activities
Of course, the best activity to do for this day is join tree planting activities. You will not only be able to enjoy tree planting but you will also be able to make a significant contribution for our planet’s welfare.
Participate in Other Activities
Aside from tree planting activities, you can also join other activities like exhibitions, musical performances, exhibitions, and gardening tours. These activities are just as fun to do.
Celebrate on Social Media
You can also take your celebration of this day on social media. You can, for instance, use the hashtag #ArborDay to let your friends and followers know that you are also participating in the celebration of this special day.
Messages and Greetings
- Plant a tree and see the Mother earth thanking you with a smile.
- It is time to think seriously about the survival of the earth.
- God created the earth with lots of trees and other natural things. We destroyed it. Now its time to recycle.
- Plant more trees and make the earth beautiful and a perfect place to live.
- Celebrate this Arbor Day in the shade of your own trees.
- Make a tree as your friend and you will not regret!
- God loves us which is why created this beautiful earth and gave to mankind.
- Before cutting a tree, just remember that we too are creatures on earth and one day should leave this world. Do good to earth before you leave.
- Show your gratitude to earth by planting trees.
- Oxygen is necessary for our living but even knowing that we cut trees. A tragedy!
- The wonder is that we can see these trees and not wonder more. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
- The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
- He plants trees to benefit another generation – Caecilius Statius
- He who plants a tree plants a hope. – Lucy Larcom
- Arbor Day is not like other holidays. Each of those reposes on the past, while Arbor Day proposes for the future. – Julius Sterling Morton
- We plant trees not for ourselves, but for future generations. – Caecilius
- Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree. – Martin Luther
- Trees are the earth’s endless effort to speak to the listening heaven.- Rabindranath Tagore
- A nation that destroys its soils destroys itself. Forests are the lungs of our land, purifying the air and giving fresh strength to our people. – Franklin D. Roosevelt
- For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver. – Martin Luther