
International Day of Pink

1`2th April International Day of Pink!

The International Day of Pink is celebrated every second Wednesday of April each year. This day aims to fight bullying, discrimination, homophobia, transphobia, and transmisogyny all around the world. During this day, everyone is encouraged to wear a pink shirt and join activities organizes by communities, schools, and workplaces as people do on wear a red day.

Quick facts
When is it?


What’s the date pattern? Second Wednesday of April
What’s the official website? Official Site
Tagged as
  • People & Relationships
What are the hashtags?

About the International Day of Pink

Discrimination takes many shapes, whether it’s based on race, age, disabilities, gender, or sexuality. The 2SLGBTQIA+ community is no stranger to the bullying and violence that stems from hateful beliefs. While we have attained progress in the removal of these social barriers from our communities, discrimination still persists. That is why we celebrate International Pink Day every year to put an end to this issue. You are encouraged to put on a pink shirt and stand in solidarity with the 2SLGBTQIA+ community to continue fighting for equality and acceptance.Day of Pink


The Day of Pink was started in Nova Scotia when two straight high school students saw a gay student wearing a pink shirt being bullied. The two students intervened but wanted to do more to stop homophobic and transphobic bullying. What they did was wear pink t-shirts to express their fight against homophobia and the bullying of gay people. A few days later, everyone at school arrived wearing pink, standing in solidarity. The result was that an entire school took a stand and began working together to prevent homophobic and transphobic bullying.

Ever since then, the campaign continued to grow. It has grown so much that it is now an international campaign that thrives in schools, workplaces, and communities. The International Day of Pink sprouts conversations, awareness, and acceptance that make a real difference in the lives of queer and trans youth. Hence, you should wear pink, start some conversations, and inspire acceptance in people.

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As mentioned earlier, the International Day of Pink is celebrated every second Wednesday of April each year.

Day of Pink

Why Celebrate

If you care and value humanity, then it is all the more reason for you to celebrate this day. Let us all be real, the members of the LGBTQ community have been discriminated against for so long. Although we have made some progress, we still have a long way to go. You must then celebrate this day to contribute to making even more progress towards attaining gender equality.

Celebration Ideas and Activities

The following are the best things to do to make your celebration of the International Day of Pink as best as it can be:

Wear Pink

One good idea for your celebration of this day is to wear pink in order to show your support for the LGBTQ community. It shows that you are one with them in this campaign.

Raise Awareness and Inform People

You can also celebrate this day by raising awareness about the issue at hand. This can also be your way to start some conversation and make people understand the goal of this campaign which is simply to stop the hate against the LGBT community because they are just as humans like all of us.


You can also celebrate this day by donating to organizations that cater to anti-bullying initiatives.

Celebrate on Social Media

You can also take your celebration of this day on social media. You can, for instance, use the hashtag #InternationalDayOfPink to let your friends and followers know that you are also participating in the celebration of this important day.

Messages and Greetings

  • Before you spit your words, it is better you feel it.
  • They can degrade you but they cannot kill anyone’s dreams. Supporting Day of Pink.
  • If people throw stones at you, build your confidence with those.
  • Show respect to even those who don’t deserve it, it will not make shine them, but it will reveal your personality.
  • If you are perfect, then only judge others. Stop bullying. International Day of Pink
  • People always throw stones at what they wish to have. Support the cause.
  • Respect yourself. Don’t see your value in other’s eyes. International Pink Day.
  • You will not reach the top when you pull others down. Support International Pink Day.
  • Bullying is a sign of weakness. Do not act like a fool. Grow up to support Day of Pink.
  • Only the best things are stolen or harmed. Believe in you and go on.
  • If people pull you down that means you are on top of them. Shine like never before.
  • Losers always go crazy and end up doing foolish things like bullying.


  • “Openness may not completely disarm prejudice, but it’s a good place to start.”–Jason Collins, first openly gay athlete in U.S. pro sports
  • “When all Americans are treated as equal, no matter who they are or whom they love, we are all more free.”–Barack Obama
  • “The only queer people are those who don’t love anybody.”–Rita Mae Brown
  • “This world would be a whole lot better if we just made an effort to be less horrible to one another.”–Ellen Page
  • “Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?”–Author Ernest J. Gaines
  • “I hate the word homophobia. It’s not a phobia. You’re not scared. You’re an asshole.”–Morgan Freeman
  • “I believe that no one should ever have to choose between a career we love and living our lives with authenticity and integrity”–Out & Equal Executive Director Melissa Berry
  • “It takes some intelligence and insight to figure out you’re gay and then a tremendous amount of balls to live it and live it proudly.”–Jason Bateman
  • “Every gay and lesbian person who has been lucky enough to survive the turmoil of growing up is a survivor. Survivors always have an obligation to those who will face the same challenges.”–Writer/actor Bob Paris
  • “All of us who are openly gay are living and writing the history of our movement. We are no more – and no less – heroic than the suffragists and abolitionists of the 19th century; and the labor organizers, Freedom Riders, Stonewall demonstrators, and environmentalists of the 20th century. We are ordinary people, living our lives, and trying as civil-rights activist Dorothy Cotton said, to ‘fix what ain’t right’ in our society.”–Senator Tammy Baldwin
  • “I’m living by example by continuing on with my career and having a full, rich life, and I am incidentally gay.”–Portia DeRossi
  • “I think being gay is a blessing, and it’s something I am thankful for every single day.”–Anderson Cooper
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