
National Spoil Your Dog Day

Pampering Your Dogs and Making Them Feel Special on "SPOIL YOUR DOG DAY"

For dog owners who love their pets very much, then National Spoil Your Dog Day is one of the best days for you. This holiday is all about pampering your dog all you want and making him or her feel very special, loved, and appreciated by you. Yes, we do spoil our dogs on a regular basis, daily, or even several times during the day. But National Spoil Your Dog Day wants you to take that to another level.Spoil Your Dog Day August 10

Learn About National Spoil Your Dog Day

The National Spoil Your Dog Day is celebrated every 10th of August each year. During this day, people all over the world conduct various activities related to pampering their dogs. Some people bring their dogs to the pet salon to clean them and make them look good. Others spend their time with their dogs all day, cuddling, playing, and feeding their dogs. There are also people who take the celebration to another level by taking good pictures of their dogs and then sharing those on social media, showing how proud they are of their very cute pets.

Read Also: National Puppy Day

History of National Spoil Your Dog Day

Unfortunately, even with extensive research on this topic, we are still now sure how this holiday started. We do not even know who founded it. But still, we can make a good guess as to how this day started. Perhaps a person or a group of people thought that our pet dogs have been so loyal to us that they deserve a special day of pampering and spoiling. Hence, they started to celebrate National Spoil Your Dog Day. Do you know? There’s another pet holiday that encourages people to adopt Bulldogs, called National Bull Dogs .

National Spoil Your Dog Day Dates

This holiday is always celebrated on August 10 every year. This means that the upcoming National Spoil Your Dog Day will be celebrated on Tuesday, August 10, .

Why Celebrate National Spoil Your Dog Day

The following are the main reasons why you should take part in the celebration of this day:

Most of the time, we don’t have time for our dogs

Let’s all be honest we are all so busy at work that we don’t have enough time to spoil our dogs. We do see them every day but do we spend even just a little time spoiling them? Most probably not because we have to schedule our time for work, hobbies, family, friends, and other things that we prioritize. However, celebrating National Spoil Your Dog Day will give you the time to spend time with your dog spoiling him or her all you want.

To Celebrate the Cuteness of Our Dogs

Another reason to celebrate this day is that our dogs have been very cute that they deserve a day of appreciation wherein their cuteness are just emphasized. Dogs can relieve us of our stress. We should give back to them by spoiling them on this day of celebration.

It’s the perfect day to spoil our dogs

This day is the ideal time for you to spoil your dog – spoiling on another level. You may pamper your dog sometimes during the day but this day wants you to take that to a whole another level. There are a lot

Celebration Ideas and Activities

The following are the best things to do to make your celebration of National Spoil Your Dog Day a really good one:

Prepare Some Really Good Treats

One good thing to do for your celebration of this day is to prepare some really good treats for your dog. Perhaps beforehand, you can think about your dog’s favorite treats. Make sure to buy those so that your dogs can have a good time eating their favorite foods.

Do Some Dog Activities

You can also celebrate this day by doing some dog activities. For instance, you can train your dog to do some basic tricks like jumping, sitting, pretending to sleep, and many more. You can also take your dog outside for a walk so that it can experience the outside environment, not just locked inside your home.

Time for Some Quality Pampering

You can also celebrate this day by spending some quality time with your dog. You can just sit in a sofa with it and cuddle it. Pet it all you want until it wants no more.

Celebrate on Social Media

You can also take your celebration of this day on social media. You can, for instance, use the hashtag #NationalSpoilYourDogDay to let your friends and followers know that you are also taking part in the celebration of this important day.

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